Tied Down or Tied Up

Category: Creative Content | Tags(#): freedom , pain , addiction

Image credits: Steemit

Published Jan. 5, 2024, 9:21 a.m. by Pearl Mave_rick

You know that feeling of being caged in shackles

In a dark pit without a breathing space but comfortable

Than liberated from being "psychomatic being"

Hurt by that one person or thing still not letting go

And instead of choosing solitude over chest pain

You remain to be hurt and stumble upon

The tantrum of pleasure in pain

Setting yourself free instigate rejections and progress

That should be the answer to this pain right?

Sound's familiar ? or is just me overthinking again

Obsessed and addicted to that person or thing

Could it be part of life experiences?

Or is just me being tied up or tied down for love

The love for pleasure in pain , My pain.

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Read all posts by Pearl Mave_rick

Hello I'm Pearl, a day dreamer, over thinker and I love to put all this in writing and share my thoughts , I have a simple life but a complicated mindset... Thank you for spending your precious time to read my post 💕💕💕🙏👌🎉💌💐💮🍀🌼

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