Finding Momentum

Category: Lifestyle | Tags(#): Deep

Image credits: Life, courage, adults, hope

Published Sept. 26, 2023, 1:59 p.m. by Jennifer Appoh (

"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn." These words from Alvin Toffler came from a place of in-depth understanding. The average young Ghanaian adult is facing life with little or no knowledge about the harsh realities of life. It's surprising us everyday. We are lashing out anyway we can on social media. We are putting up defensive attitudes, and we are basically living life on survial mode; anything goes! 

Ha! Are we really ready for this topic?

"Walk slowly. Don't stand that way. Don't interfere when adults are talking", and other unspoken rules are heaped on children only for them (us) to grow up to get the shock of our lives. Those who follow the status quo rarely win at life.

Then it dawns on you;You need to stand up for yourself especially in uncomfortable situations. You need to open yourself up to all your fears and limitations. These revelations spur in you a rude awakening to the dynamics of life. You begin to reflect on these questions, "When did most of these rules change? And if we didn't need most of them out here why force them on us in the first place"? You begin to realize that some of these rules and norms are just fears of the adults in our lives at the time projected on you. And I must admit that this really made me appreciate the whole institution of parenting more; the good, the bad, and the ugly. And to cap it off, the future of the individual (your child) will depend on the values and guidelines you instill in him or her.

After all is said and done, I see all of you out here trying so hard to learn,unlearn and relearn. I see you also running away from what broke you and trying never to compromise on those walls you managed to build. I know it was for your protection those walls were put up but it's time to turn around and face it. Have you realized that even after running for so many years you still can't seem to set yourself entirely free from it? Yes!, and that is why one of the ways to win at life is to face your fears, and conquer them. 

The mantra for this phase of our lives is Courage, Resilience, and Adaptability.

One step at a time we live boldly, overcoming our fears and the challenges life throws at us.

What are the things you had to learn,unlearn and relearn? Share with us in the comment section. 


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Don't write what you think people want to read.Find your voice and write about what's in your heart....... Quentin Tarantino.

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