Category: Education | Tags(#): Ghana , GSET , Teachers , Teacher Tapp , Schools , Government , Free SHS

Image credits: https://images.app.goo.gl/YJkg4fuBSW3GLsZD8

Published April 8, 2021, 10:21 a.m. by GSET

Welcome to our weekly blog for Teacher Tapp Ghana!


Every Monday we summarize our most surprising and interesting survey findings from the week before. This weekly blog provides an easy way for you to learn about the experiences and opinions of teachers across Ghana.

Please encourage your colleagues to use the Teacher Tapp app to keep engaged with education even when they’re not teaching. Your responses are also a vital data source that will guide decision-making around best policies and approaches for enhancing the welfare of educators/teachers and ensuring robust educational sector management.

Many more teachers will like to be heard and this can be done through Teacher Tapp. Do share this blog with your colleagues and encourage them to use the download links at the bottom of the page. In the meantime, here are this week’s intriguing findings…


  1. Virtual assignments are gradually becoming part and parcel of learning assessment methods

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many educational institutions began to employ the hybrid classroom model (a combination of a virtual class and an in–person class). This meant that classroom activities such as assignments were going to be given and submitted virtually as well as physically. This week, we conducted a survey to find out how often teachers gave out assignments that are to be submitted virtually. Our survey indicated that more teachers were becoming familiarized with the idea of giving virtual assignments. Even though other teachers preferred to give assignments that were to be submitted in person, the data (45% for teachers who often give virtual assignments against 38% who don’t) proves that virtual assignments are gradually becoming a part of classroom learning assessment persons.


  1. The professional development of teachers is a priority for most school authorities

Every profession requires that one develops his/herself from time to time in order to meet the changing demands of the job. The narrative is also true for the teaching profession as teachers are required to undertake development trainings that will seek to improve their teaching skills. These developments also present teachers with the opportunity of securing promotions and other benefits. When we conducted a survey to find out if schools provided avenues for their teachers to develop themselves, we realized that most schools provided such avenues. A teacher’s professional development is a great asset and it is important that it is always given much priority.


  1. Above all else, a teacher needs to be disciplined

Discipline is usually one of the main core values for many institutions and professions. In the teaching profession, it is a treasured quality. This week, we conducted a survey to find out which kind of qualities were most desirable for a teacher to have. From the responses, per order of importance, our respondents indicated that teachers needed to be disciplined, patient, intelligent, adaptable, and organized. Teachers who possess these qualities tend to be great teachers who are able to have a positive impact on their students. Teachers are therefore encouraged to be disciplined above all else, so as to effectively contribute their quota in teaching and raising the next generation.


  1. Finally, we know you’re finding our daily readings useful, so here are some of the tips we gathered from last week…

How to recognize signs of potential learning disabilities in preschool.

 4 tips for a successful self-contained classroom.


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Just use these download links to download our free app and get started today.



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Read all posts by GSET

The Ghana Society for Education Technology is the premier professional educational technology association in Africa based in Ghana. GSET works with the Ghanaian education community with the aim of accelerating the use of technology to solve tough problems and improve innovation in STEM education.

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