Category: Creative Content | Tags(#): #irresponsibleparenting

Published Nov. 27, 2020, 9:54 a.m. by Juliet


There is always time for everything until there is no more time. How I wish I could turn back the hands of time. I would have gone back to erase all my past memories. Karma is never real until you experience it yourself.  Yes, karma is real.

 Kweku Agyemang, who ever thought this is how I was going to end up? As I laid on my bed, I saw several faces but three of these faces sent me a reminiscing journey; my sister, my father and my friends.  I remembered my childhood days how my daddy always pampered me. My daddy did this because he didn’t want us to experience pains after my mother left him for another man. His motive was to make me happy I believe, and not to spoil me. Little did I know that it will bring me to this day. He always stood by me in everything I did. He even supported me in my silly childhood fights.

 Kweku Agyemang, my name was heard in every nook and cranny of the community when there was a fight. I grew up overconfident with no respect for anyone, not even the elderly. I was well endowed by nature and every lady in the community had their eyes on me. I also never lost guard when they gave me the chance. I spent my money carelessly because I got it easily.  I know you may be guessing my profession, actually I was called “connection man”. I had my own way of getting things done for people and receiving payment in return. I spent money carelessly. 

You remember I told you about my sister right?  I never gave her half of my attention not to talk of my money. Only two categories of people qualified to spend my money; my girlfriends and my good for nothing friends. For my dad, even though I appreciated the care and love he showered on me growing up, I got him locked up in cells for three days because he came to my house for money. As a matter of fact, I felt no remorse for doing what I did to him. My dad taught me to fight for my happiness and never to allow anybody trample on my happiness. To that effect, anyone that said anything evil about me ended up being beaten to a pulp by my friends. 

Though spending my money on girls gave me pleasure but this pleasure was nothing to be compared with the feeling I gained from taking weed. I spent most of my money on weed and alcohol. It made me feel on top of the world. I defrauded people in the name of getting them to travel abroad or getting their wards to school, and if they complained, I made sure they were beaten up. 

 As I said earlier, there is time for everything until there is more time. Indeed, all those times came to a stop. It all started with a slight headache. Little did I know that it will be the end of time for me.  This sickness caused me to grow very weak and lean. All my friends and girlfriends vanished, I only had my dad and my sister, the very people I had neglected taking care of me. My dad spent every single penny on me in a bid to get me well but to no avail. At that moment I got to know that life was not what I perceived it to be but it was too late then. Now as I have been laid down so cold with people mourning, my journey to the place of no return begins. With my family weeping, and chanting the phrase “Kweku Agyemang, if only you had listened”. I wish they could hear me responding that “Kweku Agyemang was only a victim of irresponsible parenting”

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Love to express my silent thoughts loudly on paper. #Inkideas

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