Our Expectations

Category: Creative Content | Tags(#): Poetry , Expectations

Image credits: Managing your expectations -Resolve. Resolve Counseling

Published Aug. 10, 2024, 3:44 a.m. by Pearl Mave_rick

It doesn't seems to differ when it comes to expecting things to go according to your plans

Our failures and successes are the results from the works of expectations

Our Creator expect us to be righteous so is the devil, expecting us to fail or follow him

Your family expect you to do good in life and be responsible.

As much as I want to talk about our expectations

I just can't find any solutions for it

You expect your body to be perfect your skin clear and bright

Expect to dress well look good and smell nice

You are expected to make money from whatever you do, pay bills and other expenses

You expect your life to  be perfect and stress free

Expect yourself to be healthy strong, courageous, brave and all this things

You expect yourself to build and have the luxuries you can

You expect yourself to get married and make your own family

Expect that guy to love you as much as you love him and that lady to love and see

You as much as you do the same to her

You expect that business to flourish and grow because you put your all into it

You expect your parents to be perfect and have it all

Expect your Boss to be considerate and value your effort because you are trying your best

And expect work to be easy or hard because there is pressure at work

You expect your brand new air conditioner not to leak because you bought it few weeks ago

You trust your friends and expect them not to betray you and stab you in front or at the back

Expect God to answer all your prayers and request because you do right by Him

You expect life to be miserable for your enemies and favorable for you because they are the enemy

Expect a smooth road trips without roadblocks, accident or potholes

You expect your country and its leaders to be better

Expect by the age of this you have to be that and do this and do that šŸ˜‚

I could go on and on

So many expectations but how many do we voice out before the sun sets on us

How many do we listen to from others?

You will say "I expect more from you"

When you get disappointed about your expectations 

But in reality most us don't know what your expectations are unless you voice it out

As a friend, as a family , as my wife, as my husband, as this or as that

" I expect this...from you" before you even start your demands 

Learn to communicate in clear conscience and agree to disagree 

Expectations keeps entitlement afloat and Assumptions on its toes everytime 

The No's  the Yes , the I can not do it and the I can do it are all missing 

They  are nowhere to be found 

Entitlement, assumption and our expectations are leading us to things that don't make sense anymore 

As I am writing this I expect us to read and understand it

VOicing our expectations out  will help us identify the problems that we have and find solutions to the existing ones.


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Read all posts by Pearl Mave_rick

Hello I'm Pearl, a day dreamer, over thinker and I love to put all this in writing and share my thoughts , I have a simple life but a complicated mindset... Thank you for spending your precious time to read my post šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ’•šŸ™šŸ‘ŒšŸŽ‰šŸ’ŒšŸ’šŸ’®šŸ€šŸŒ¼

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