Category: Universal and Others | Tags(#): Love , Women , Pain , Emotional-Dialect , Silence

Image credits: PalsCare

Published Feb. 10, 2021, 8:44 a.m. by Efiaprincess

The part of her she can't discuss

She seems to be a talkative

She has a heart of gold and endless love to give,

But she always skips one story.

Ooh!, I guess she is heavy with secrets


She can't even talk about how to bring her head out

If she could speak out one day, I'm sure it would be someone else's survival guide.

But I still hope her story will be heard one day


We all suffer from something

That thing is difficult to discuss. 

"That act with angels"

She can't talk about 

But I think,

A heart that understands without words is all she needs


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Am motivated to work by passion and opportunity and I believe I am poised to empower the world especially youths and to give hope for a better future

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