
Category: Creative Content | Tags(#): Lost

Published Jan. 19, 2021, 4:12 p.m. by Tandoh03

I like for things to go a certain type of way,

Not that I am delusional just I like it like that 

Don't touch my shit it ain't yours 

But, with all that tough talk in the mind was the same outside.

Being different sucks when you are told you ain't shit. 

It is more of a yoke than a yolk. 

It gets heavy and 10000000% of the time you ask yourself:

Are you the shit?

It always balls down to the same answer, 


My level of understanding of things seems off to people 

but, shit think about it, why shouldn't I ask you what you mean by 

"How are you doing?". 

Just take a minute to think about it, 

It goes in two ways 

Either they want something or they are all about the small talk. 

I dont need that so, what do you mean?



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