
Category: Lifestyle | Tags(#): Life , religion , hope , lifestyle

Published Aug. 18, 2020, 8:21 p.m. by Poetic Xerxes

Life has no rules it plays by, that is why living is all the more difficult as our experiences today form our theories and beliefs about life. But then at other times, we encounter new mazes in the journey of life that make our past experiences seem inconsequential. You find out then that the life we live is a big heap of "why's". No amount of critical analysis has been able to perfectly explain the different fundamental questions that lay siege to the question of existence, the purpose of life and it's dynamics. At best, we come up with workable definitions that soothe our existential terrain.

It is, however, a tragedy when some class of people feel or believe they hold the key to life and death. A case of sympathetic foolery when some people assume knowledge starts and ends with them and count everyone else as insignificant. 

At a time when people are coming to the realization that blind Faith and dogma were only an instrument of social control which is no longer effective, some black unprogressive fools still believe they have a monopoly on God and religious matters.

God is too big to be partisan.
Practice your faith, but have it at the back of your thick skull that, if there's still space, where your theological theories end, is where another begins.


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