Tips in ordering foods from delivery services

Category: Health | Tags(#): Safianu , Osman

Image credits: Healthy choices

Published Dec. 12, 2020, 10:44 a.m. by Safianu


Ordering foods from delivery services may be convenient but unhealthy choices can pose risks to our health.

In this write up we look at terms you should be mindful of and tips to consider when ordering from delivery services.

Terms such as CRUNCHY, CRISPY, CHEESY, CREAMY, BATTERED, SPICY, AL FREDO etc that are used to describe foods either to entice us and/or portray their taste are often high in fats especially SATURATED and TRANS fats, high in SALT, CALORIES, LOW in MICRONUTRIENTS except sodium.

These constitute an UNHEALTHY diet as it INCREASES your risk to NCDs such as hypertension, heart diseases, strokes, diabetes.


What is the way forward?

Is avoidance the option? No.

We eat for pleasure too.

But if you can, do.

1.Terms such as grilled, baked, roasted, steamed, al fesco, boiled are healthful options or terms to consider.

2.Request for sauces and dressings inside to control how much goes into your food.

3.Look out for colour. Fruits and vegetables if present in menus are better and healthy options

4.Instead of eating from their containers or packages, plate your food to control the portion size. Save the rest for later use.

5.Share meals with friends if you can to reduce how much you eat.

6.Frieds, snacks with visible fat should be wiped with tissue papers they come with to reduce fats.

7.Water, Fruit juices, yoghurt, soy milk are better drinks compared to sweetened beverages, carbonated drinks.

8.Remember homemade meals are better options. Try making home versions of those foods you enjoy.

9.Know the delivery service to ensure they prepare their meals in hygienic conditions.

10.Do not accept foods not packaged properly.



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Read all posts by Safianu

Former National science and maths quiz contestant and a student of the University of Cape coast

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